Travel time
1 h 30 min

What is included?
Towels; all accessories for snorkeling and fishing; water, tea, coffee and other non-alcoholic drinks.

Number of persons

Nusa Lombok

Lombok Island is located to the west of Nusa Tenggara and is famous for its natural beauty. Lombok is located 100 km to the south from Bali and is separated from it by the Lombok Strait.

Tourists are here not as often as on the more popular islands, so Lombok seems to be wild, uninhabited. But it is here that you can get acquainted with the culture of Indonesia: see the Sasak people, enjoy the views of the wildlife, visit the pink sand beaches.

Tourists visit Lombok to do ecotourism, hiking. This place is popular with those who like to walk, climb mountains. For example, you can climb to the crater of the Rinjani volcano or visit the Sendang Gile waterfall.

Tours to Lombok

You can get here by speed boat from Bali in 1.5 hours, so we recommend renting a yacht for a period of 6 to 8 hours. The cost of the tour includes equipment for snorkeling and fishing, as well as the services of a guide or instructor.

If you want to enjoy without rush the beauties and sights of the island, it is better to rent a catamaran. So you an safely explore the entire coast and island. The price includes meals on board.

Active leisure opportunities in Lombok include surfing and snorkeling.

Interesting spots for surfers are:

  • Desert point (Banko-Banko), Mawi – places for professionals and specialists. Special equipment is needed.
  • Are Goling, Gerupuk inside e outside – places for beginners and professionals. One of the spots can be reached only by boat.

Also, the beaches of the island are ideal for kitesurfing, there are several schools where instructors will teach you the basics and offer to try it out.

Excursions on the island

As mentioned above, there are several types of activities available on the island of Lombok:

Climbing to the top of the Rinjani volcano. The view from the magnificent volcano is simply breathtaking: a huge mouth with hot springs and active peaks, also from here you can see the strait and the islands of Gili.

The trip will take several days and you should have at least minimal preparation. There are two-day and three-day tours, depending on your endurance. With a group, you can climb to the crater to a height of almost 3 km, and at night, after a short stop, you can climb to the highest point of the mountain. For unprepared tourists, a two-day trip is suitable. At the end of the path, already on the crater, you can make a camp.

The three-day route is more difficult, but the time spent on the slope is longer, since you can go down to the crater, swim in the hot springs and spend two nights on the volcano.

Visiting the villages of Senaru, Sembalun, Tetebatu – some of them are the starting points on the way to the volcano. Sunbathe, swim and just relax on the clean beach. Tansi Beach is a popular tourist destination – its sand is colored pink due to the smallest particles of coral reefs.

Spend a day in the Narmada water park. Kings used to relax here, but now a park with picturesque landscapes and multi-level pools is accessible to tourists and local residents.

The yachts are complete with all the necessary equipment for a comfortable trip:

Comfortable cabins with air conditioning


TV and audio systems

Toilet and hot shower

Booking Form

Please complete and submit the booking form on the right. Our managers contact you as soon as possible to confirm your booking.

Additional options. If you have any other special ideas, please let us know and we will arrange your request the best way.

Wish a good day.